Friday, February 15, 2008


Have you ever heard about the book, The Lord of the Flies, by William Golding? This is my first novel for my English class. I strongly recommend this book to teenagers who need to know why the civilization is important for them to live as a good member of a human being in our society. The book is about kids getting trapped on an island, and how they struggle to survive on the island until they get rescued. The book is too obvious you can predict what would happen next. In the book, the people who wants to get rescued is not more than half of the survivor on the island. It might be because they are only teenagers who want to enjoy their freedom away from the adults. They disagreed, didn’t respect each other’s opinions and just insist their own words. By getting a deeper and deeper conflict, it leads to murder and savagery. Through the conflicts between the civilized and uncivilized people, human beings find the right way of living to survive in the world and then find the true meaning of cooperation. William Golding, I think, represented some characters as important ideas or themes. Each of the main characters Ralph, Piggy, Simon, Jack, and Roger represents ideas or themes in this novel. On the streets you can see good vs. evil. Personally I think the author really points a moral by a good explanation about good vs. evil through his novel.

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