Monday, March 31, 2008


In the book "Animal Farm", the farm started with two pigs, Snowball and Napoleon as both leaders. The climax of this book was when Napoleon drove his friend Snowball out of the farm by using his nine trained dogs. Napoleon drove Snowball out of the farm because he was interfering with his plans. Since Napoleon drove the brain of the farm Snowball out of the farm he was the one who became the new leader as the new brain of the farm who now made the decisions. That was the reason why I chose this part as the climax because this was the time the animals in the farm lost their destiny to freedom and when they started making the wrong decisions.

The event when Napoleon drove Snowball out of the farm made me feel very sad for Snowball. The only thing Snowball wanted to do for them was to give them the freedom away from the humans. However his drea was scattered because his fellow comrades betrayed him.

★ What a pitty it is! ★

Saturday, March 29, 2008


“Animal Farm” it is my second novel. There are two main characters, Snowball and Napoleon.

Snowball he is a very intelligent, persuasive, and passionate pig. Snowball gives the comrades a very good impression about what he’s trying to say through his speech. However, Snowball is too nice and weak to become a strong leader like Napoleon. Napoleon is a very greedy, strong, and harsh leader. Snowball is my favorite character through the novel because he is a very wise and caring leader for his comrades in the farm, and he is the brain of the farm. He is the one that first gives the impression of taking over the farm from Mr. Jones to the animals.

Napoleon’s characteristics are hateful to me. First of all, Napoleon betrays his friend Snowball to become the new leader of the animal farm which makes him greedy. So, I don’t like Napoleon because, power is more important for him than friendship and in my case friendship is the most important thing in my life after family. Second, takes advantages over his comrades even though they have the same rights. I don’t like someone giving orders to others even though they have the same identity and the rights.

In this novel they reveal about the universal human society. You can see the animal farm as a very good business company. Snowball and Napoleon can be seen as friends and high ranks in the company. Snowball represents “kindness”. Even though Napoleon takes over his place he doesn’t really say anything and lets him become the new leader. Napoleon represents “greed”, because he does anything to succeed his plan even he has to betray a very good old friend. These two characters represent a really good characteristic of human society nowadays.

★ Whom do you think you represnet, Snowball or Napoleon? ★

Friday, March 28, 2008


The mismangement of power is the main theme of "Animal Farm." The background of the book “Animal Farm” was that the animals took over their farm and they were living there without any humans. There were two leaders, Snowball and Napoleon, at first but Snowball was kicked out by the other leader Napoleon. Napoleon first acted as if he wanted to help these animals from the humans. But after he became the leader of that farm he made the animals do all the work for him. It was not like he adopted to the rules but the rules changes to fit his comfort. But still Napoleon didn't notice that he became like one of the humans, giving orders for their own goods, and not thinking for the animals in the farm.

Mismanagement of power, is very closely related to our society and to the teenagers living in the year 2008. Mismanagement of power in the farm is like bullying kids in the school. The farm can be seen as the school, humans as in teachers, and animals as in normal students, and Napoleon as in a bully. People don’t really think that bullying is a real problem nowadays. Bullying may lead to death for that person who is always bullied by the school bully. Before you make a dicision by using your powers on someone, you must be, wise and think what may happen after.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Greek God Zeus

Zeus is one of the 12 gods in Mt. Olympus. Cronus was the new king instead of his old father Uranus. He was supposed to save his siblings trapped underground but he didn’t so his mother Gaia put a curse on him. She said “As you took your father’s power one of your children will take you over and take your power.” So Cronus got scared and swallowed all five of the babies and Rhea was really ashamed so the 6th baby she asked her mother to take care of him and the 6th baby was Zeus. Rhea gave a rock rapped with a quilt to Cronus to swallow and he did. Zeus lived with the nymph’s in the mountain until he fell in love with Metis. They both got married and Metis helped Zeus rescue his siblings. Metis made this drink out of a magical grass which makes you vomit I guess; because right after Cronus drank this drink he vomited Hades, Poseidon, Hera, Demeter, and Hestia. Zeus gave his brothers and sisters weapons and overthrew their father Cronus. After Cronus ran away Zeus becomes the king of the sky and land. Poseidon becomes the king of the ocean, and Hades becomes the king of the dead.
Zeus and Hercules are both great strong characters. They both have great strength. Hercules has the strongest power and Zeus can throw thunderbolts at someone or something. Hercules was popular to girls because he killed a lot of Greek monsters. Zeus was very popular because he was the king of the sky and land and had great power. The difference in their characteristics is that Hercules only loved one girl, but Zeus liked more than one girl. Zeus is short-tempered, wise, and serious. But on the other hand Hercules is responsible, humorous, and pleasant.

Monday, March 10, 2008

What qualities would you like to have as a god?

I would first name myself Alexeus and be the God of relationships. I would first have a little angel that shoots arrows at people. Whoever got shot by the arrows would feel anger, love, hate, and any other feelings that humans can feel. I would like to ride on a magic carpet like Aladdin because I envied a lot because he got to ride on a magic carpet. I would be a really buff God with my hair short and rainbow colored because all Gods are buff and strong looking. I would carry around a microphone so I can sing for people whenever they are sad, and need a friend. I would be a loving and caring God for people those who worships me and sacrifices animals for me in my temple. I wish I could keep my eyes, be about 185cm tall, and be handsome.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Greek monster - Minotaur

Minos means bull. King Minos the King of Crete didn’t keep his promise to the god Poseidon. Poseidon got really annoyed my King Minos so he sent a bull to King Minos’ wife Pasiphae. Pasiphae and the bull fell in love and a baby was born. He had a head of bull and a body of a human. King Minos ordered the finest architect Daedalus to build a labyrinth for him so he can trap Minotaur in it. The biggest problem is that Minotaur only eats humans so King Minos can’t give the monster his own people. King Minos bashes into a nearby country and takes hostages from them so he can feed Minotaur. One time the son of King Minos visited Athena and died by accident because he wanted to join the bull fight going on in Athena. The King of Athena tried to stop his participation of the competition because it was too dangerous but he neglected the Kings offer and participated. Lead to death for him because he got hit by the horn of a bull right in the chest. After King Minos heard that his son died he tried to invade Athena but King Minos gave them an offer. It was too give them seven men and seven women every year so he can feed Minotaur. After Theseus went to his father and heard about this he volunteered to go and kill Minotaur. He succeeded with the help of the oldest daughter of King Minos Ariadne.

Saturday, March 1, 2008


I'm COOL like a FOOL in a swimmingPOOL.